ecommerce+VR+augmented reality -

E-commerce + VR

E-commerce + VR – > More than 70% of buyers abandon their carts before finalizing a purchase. This indicates that retailers have to do more to convince customers to buy items online.

Virtual reality (VR) is an emerging technology what can make a difference.

Together with its sister technology – augmented reality – it has the potential to reshape the retail world. Almost a third of the customers thinks that more should be invested in these technologies to ensure that they play a more important role on their shopping experiences.

At the moment  the world’s biggest companies, from Sony to Samsung, are locked in an arms race; each of them hopes to develop the most powerful and technologically advanced mobile VR product.

Millions of VR devices will be sold worldwide and augmented reality smart glasses will increasingly establish themselves.

On Amazon alone, it is possible to find available almost 200 different devices for VR headsets.

In order to understand how E-commerce + VR can contribute to enhance online sales. we have to understand what these technologies can offer as a service (not only as a product) and what they can offer to companies and customers.

In summary, perhaps not exhaustive, E-commerce + VR will allow to:

  • explore showrooms;
  • view products in all their points of view;
  • view an object in its context before buying it;
  • have a more similar interaction to the traditional purchase in a shop.

Below is an example of what a future user experience with E-commerce + VR could be .

Augmented reality

We need to consider that new generation smartphones will be able to offer 3D mappings and augmented reality.

Watching a real setting through a camera, the smartphone will be able to show us on the screen images enriched by digital elements.

The shopping experience both in store and online will change radically. The only variable is at what speed and what impact will it have on memory.